Largest Supplier of Traceable Deterrent Systems to North America
Celebrating over 23 Years! Serving the Automotive Industry...

Peace-of Mind
Protect Your Investment

Over a million vehicles are stolen every year in the United States-one every 20 seconds. Most are never recovered or are recovered with extensive damage. Since you probably carry a significant deductible on your insurance policy, auto theft can result in substantial out of pocket expenses.
Many insurance companies offer discounts for a vehicle that is secured with a Traceable Theft Protection Package.

Plan Benefits Plan Options
Plan B Plan C
Vehicle Protection Expenses 1500.00 3000.00
Dealer Replacement Benefit 1000.00 2000.00
Partial Loss Benefit 1000.00 1000.00
For a Theft Deterrent KIT explaining the Peace-Of-Mind-Protection, please call 1-800-574-4155. There is no obligation and no charge.

Includes 6-part invisible Body marking labels, two window warning stickers
Includes Warranty, 6-part invisible body marking labels, two window warning stickers and instructional DVD
*Plus Tax and Shipping Charges